Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Favorite Things

The girls and I watched the Sound of Music Easter Sunday. It got me thinking of my favorite things:

  • Daisies—They are such a happy flower. They make me feel happy just looking at them!
  • Books—Your imagination’s playground! I love opening a book and being transported anywhere that the author takes me. It’s my favorite thing to do. It’s better than TV.
  • Music—The soundtrack of life. If I don’t have music playing, there’s music in my head. I just love it. Most of the important memories of my life have music attached to them in some way.
  • E-mail—It’s so fun to get e-mail from friends and family, just a quick note to say hello. It makes my day.
  • Laughter—There is nothing like it. The best kind is the laughter of children.
  • First snowfalls—The sheer beauty of watching the snowflakes fall, big or little, the silence that comes with it, and playing in it!
  • Purses/bags—A girl can never have enough bags or purses to hold her stuff. Sometimes we just need variety.
  • iPod—What a wonder! A ton of portable music small enough to put in your pocket.
  • A cup of Cappuccino—English toffee is my favorite. It makes you feel all warm inside.
  • Love--No explanation necessary.
And these are a few of my favorite things...

Spring has Sprung

Things are coming to life...the daffodils are in bloom, the trees are budding, and the birds are chirping once again...Spring is here!

I do love spring. I love it when I go to clean out the flowerbeds and the new growth is hiding under the old, waiting to be found. I get excited when the trees start to get their leaves, and I love to be driving, with the windows down, music blaring, noticing the fields and yards full of the purple-flowered weeds (yes, they are weeds, but pretty none the less!).

Another thing is Easter. It was early this year, so unbelievably enough, it's over. Ali, Brandon, and Joscelyn came down. It was great to spend time doing all of the activities that come with Easter--egg hunts, sunrise service (boy, was it early!), breakfast at church, and the St. John's traditional balloon launch. My three favorite things about the whole weekend was being with both of my sisters, sitting in the same pew together, and tying our balloons for the launch. It was a good weekend.

Another way that I know spring is here is to look at my calendar. I have meetings upon meetings at school. April is going to be a crazy month. Then, May is here and school is over! Yippee! I think we have 38 days left. It's amazing that the school year is almost gone. It still feels like it should be October. I'm glad though, because I am ready for a long break to recharge.

Lastly, Baseball is here! Tomorrow the season starts. You can catch the Braves vs. the Nationals on ESPN tomorrow night at seven. Go Braves!! Now spring definitely is here.

Go out and enjoy Spring!!