Monday, September 6, 2010

An Old Friend

For many years I had the Pooh calendar in my kitchen. It has been keeping the days, seasons, and holidays for us since we lived in Mustang eons ago. When we moved to Woodward, I didn't want it up anymore and I was going to sell it. A year has passed, and it was still sitting in the box in the garage. Sunday morning while I was in the shower (some of my best ideas happen there!) I realized that I missed my calendar. So I put it up in the kitchen yesterday, as it always has been. Why, are you asking, does this deserve a blog post? Well, because of the enormous feeling that came over me as I was putting in the tiles and stepping back to look at it. I felt like I was home. Moving into a new house in a new town has been a big deal, especially since I lived in Moore most of my life. I didn't realize how unsettled I still felt until I put up that calendar. I guess it is one more step in being comfortable where we are. Home is where the heart is, or in this case, the Pooh calendar!

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