Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Very Merry Christmas Indeed!

This Christmas has been a good one. Christmas Eve was spent finishing up shopping, spending time with the girls, and Christmas services with special music at the beginning. It was a very special service with candlelight and the singing of Silent Night around the altar as a church family. Once we got home from church, we ate a little something, and in normal Jaszkowiak tradition, opened presents late. We just couldn't wait anymore! The girls received iPod nanos in red and pink. They squealed in delight when they opened them. They couldn't wait to listen to them. I found a new Fossil purse and Allen was delighted to find a Tony Romo jersey. Christmas was good.

Christmas Day brought family, food, and lots of fun and surprises. It was an American Girl Christmas. Lauren received Ruthie, Kit's best friend from Aunt Kasey and Uncle Jeff. She was stunned when she opened it. Anna has Kit, so they were very excited. Anna found a volleyball outfit and roller skates for Kit under the tree. They spent the afternoon playing and enjoying themselves, as the rest of us did. We had such a pleasant visit! We sat around visiting, eating, and laughing. What a wonderful day!

Three Dogs, Two Turtles, a Fish...

...And a partridge in a pear tree! This past weekend we decided, after a little bit of research and Allen being at a pharmacy with some, we bought turtles. They have been lots of fun to watch and feed. They are red eared sliders, native to Oklahoma. They are finally getting used to their surroundings and have a little bit of a routine. They are frisky in the late afternoon/early evening and at night, right after we turn out their light. They like to swim around and bob up and down to the top then to the bottom. We originally got a smaller tank and realized quickly that they needed more swimming room, so we ended up with a 36 gallon bow-front tank. They have a little basking area and a hiding place underneath it. Turtles are such skiddish creatures. They go hide very quickly. Whoever said turtles are slow didn't see one who was scared!

And their names, you ask? Cuff and Link. Now, who can name what movie that is from? I sure couldn't at first, but my husband could. They are the names of Rocky's turtles! He bought them from Adrian at the pet store, "You know, Cuff and Link!" (imagine Philly accent). Here are the boys:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Soup on a Cold Night

Today we had a cold front come through, with high winds, a little sleet, and blowing snow. We got home from school, and we thought, "What a perfect day for soup!" This is what we made.

Potato Soup (yum!)
5 or 6 potatoes, peeled and cut up
can cream of chicken soup
milk, heavy cream, or half and half (whichever you have on hand)
1 pound velveeta (half the big block), cubed
salt and pepper to taste
cheese, chives, and bacon bits to garnish (optional)

After preparing potatoes, boil them until done. Meanwhile, put the soup, velveeta, and a soup can worth of milk option in a crock pot. Put on low to begin melting. Once the potatoes are done, drain and add to crock pot. Cook until cheese is melted. If soup is too thick, use milk to make desired consistency. Garnish as desired. Enjoy!

Monday, November 17, 2008


OK. Here's the latest obsession, and now it's almost over! A few months ago Allen and I started Netflix. Is that not the coolest thing--getting movies in the mail (and hard to find movies to boot), keeping them as long as you need, and returning them without even having to step foot into the movie rental store. Pretty awesome. Anyway---

When Alias was on TV, I watched a couple of episodes but had no idea what was going on since it was an ongoing storyline. I gave up watching it, but that curiosity never left. Enter Netflix...

And now, I am an Alias addict! Besides the fact that I can watch four or five episodes at one time, they are commercial free!! I have absolutely LOVED watching them. I watch all of the disc the evening it gets to the house, staying up until midnight or later, put it in the mail in the morning, and anxiously wait two days to get another one. Now I am on the final season, halfway through, and I'm realizing that it is going to end. I've got two discs left. I am completely bummed. I guess that I am going to have to buy the series, just so I can watch it whenever I want!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday Night Flights

Last night Allen and I were hanging out, and the girls decided they were going to make paper airplanes. They had a good time folding them, and getting help from Dad to make them really fly. Then they figured out that the planes would go everywhere if they launched from the loft. They spent an hour launching and retrieving their planes. I think they named them Jet, Butterfly, and Rocket. The planes landed in very funny places. One landed on the fan, behind the TV cabinet, on Allen's chair, between the cushions on the couch, and in the candle. They had tons of fun, and they wore themselves out! They were asleep within minutes after going to bed.

The Pug Party 2008

A couple of weeks ago we went to the Puggerfest. We have so much fun! There were over fifty (closer to 70) pugs running around loose. What's wonderful is that the dogs do not get into fights, in fact, they don't even bark! I think they know that they are with their own kind. They just run around, sniffing and getting any attention they can. When you sit down, immediately there are at least three pugs vying for a good scratch. Penny seemed to be a little overwhelmed with the whole thing, as she was last year. She wouldn't stray too far from one of us, and her tail was uncurled a lot of the day. I'm sure she was in sensory overload! What was interesting was there was a pug there that looked just like Penny. Normally you can tell other pugs apart from Penny, but this one you couldn't. Here's Allen holding the two of them:

Lauren wants a black pug. She wants a boy and name it Hagrid, after the character in Harry Potter. She sought out the black pugs to hug on, and some came to her.

We all had a great time and enjoyed being surrounded by pugs! Penny participated in the costume contest and got a fancy collar. Here she is on the way home, all dressed up.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I can read!

It is amazing to me when my girls start to read. It blows my mind! Anna is very good at reading, and now, Lauren has begun. Here she is reading her sight words to her dad:

Saturday, September 27, 2008


...tuckered her out!
(She fell asleep at the supper table the other night.)
--and don't ask me why there is a shoe there.--

Monday, September 22, 2008

Are You a Real Teacher??

A friend of mine sent this to me, and I have to laugh outright when I read it...

If you agree with at least 10 of the following, you must be a real teacher.

You believe the staff room should be equipped with a Valium salt lick.
You believe chocolate is a food group.
You can tell it's a full moon without ever looking outside.
You believe that unspeakable evil will befall you if anyone says, "Boy, the kids are sure mellow today."
When out in public, you feel the urge to snap your fingers at a child.
You have no time for a life from August through June.
Putting all "A's" on a report card would make your life SO much easier.
You think people should be required to get a government permit before being allowed to reproduce.
You believe in the aerial spraying of Prozac.
You encourage a parent to check into home schooling.
You believe no one should be permitted to reproduce without having taught in a middle school for at least five years.
You can't have children because there isn't any name you can hear that wouldn't elevate your blood pressure.
You can "sense" gum.
You think caffeine should be available to staff in IV form.
Meeting a child's parents instantly answers the question, "Why is this kid like that?"
Your personal life comes to a screeching halt at report card time.
You have been seen grading papers in cars, during football games, and during commercials.
You cheer when you hear that April 1 is not a school day.
You understand that the office secretary and head custodian have more power than the principal does.
You can predict which parents will show up for Open House.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Avast, me hearties!! Tomorrow, September 19th, is National Talk Like a Pirate day. This is wildly fun! Our mascot at school is the Raiders, so it is very fitting. Check out the official website: Talk like a pirate day

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Song

Hey There!
It's us, the dogs! Our owners were very silly this evening and made up a song about us. They were singing the turtle song, which they sing often, and then all of a sudden they were singing about us. Here is our song:

The Dog Song

(Sung to the Turtle song)

Charlies tail is striped and long,

He wags it when hes happy

He likes to lick most anything,

Even when its sticky


Thats the way God made him

Thats the way God made him

Thats the way God made him

But he is not like me!

Pennys a pug and she is cute

She snores when she is sleepy

When she comes in from being outside

She runs in very speedy


Daisy is the queen of all

Who likes to play with Daddy

She nods her head and we all know

She really wants a cookie



An American Girl

For quite some time now, Anna has been saving up to buy an American Girl doll. This company makes quality dolls and accessories that are a little girl's dream come true. Some of their dolls are history related, made to look "just like me," and they have a doll for the year. Anna (and Lauren too) have wanted one of these for a long time. They are pricey, and Anna's worked really hard to save. Thanks to many people that love her, Anna saved up enough money to purchase one. Anna chose to get Kit Kittredge, the doll from 1934. It was a very special day for her when she got to open the box.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School

Anna, Lauren and I started back to school this past Thursday. How time flies! It seems that we just started our summer vacation and kapow! August is here and school is beginning. Anna is in third grade, and Lauren is in Kindergarten. Anna was lucky enough to get her second grade teacher again for third grade. She is extremely excited about that. Lauren's class theme is the rainforest. She really likes how her teacher has decorated and is teaching them about the world. As for me, I am excited to be back at school, but I could have used a couple more weeks of vacation! I have changed some of the decorations in my room so it feels a little more put together, and I have new people working with me, and new ideas to try, so it is breathing new life into our class. Happy School!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer Reading List

As most of you know, I adore to read. Besides being with my family, it is my most favorite thing to do. I love summer because I can get in lots of reading time, and if a book gets good and I can't put it down, I don't have to! I thought that I would make a list of the books I've read (or finished) reading this summer. Here they are:

Little Dorritt by Charles Dickens (I worked on that thru April and May too)
I've Heard That Song Before by Mary Higgins Clark
The Rossetti Letter by Christi Phillips
The Watsons and Emma Watson by Jane Austen and Joan Aiken
An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor
The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery
At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon
A Light in the Window by Jan Karon
These High, Green Hills by Jan Karon
Out to Canaan by Jan Karon
A New Song by Jan Karon
A Common Life
by Jan Karon
In This Mountain by Jan Karon
Shepherd's Abiding by Jan Karon
Light from Heaven by Jan Karon

And the books that I started but couldn't strive to finish:
A Room With A View by E.M. Forster
Narrow Dog to Carcassonne by Terry Darlington

Summer is officially over, but the reading never ends.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This summer Anna participated in the first ever girl's volleyball league in Moore. She loved it! Her team's name was the Strikers. They worked hard and had lots of fun doing it. It took her some time to get used to the ball and learn how to go after the ball for a shot, and she's almost mastered it. She learned how to serve and work as a team. We are very proud of how much she has done! I think they will start up again in October.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


The girls love sunflowers. A few years ago I planted some in the back yard and Anna thought they were the coolest thing. They were about as tall as Allen and when he held her she could see the tops (This was when Lauren was a wee little bit). I found a book by Eve Bunting called The Sunflower House and Anna wanted me to make her one. As the girls grew, they never forgot the story and how they loved sunflowers. Well, this year we planted them again. I guess I got the giant seeds or a different kind or something, because they are HUGE!! You can see how tall they are in the bottom picture, with Allen and his 8-foot reach. We planted them in April and have been waiting for them to grow and bloom. The first one started to bloom the first weekend in July. Now we have about seven or eight big flowers. It is a big deal to go out everyday and see if we have any more flowers blooming. We love them! I didn't plant them a sunflower house this year, but next year I just might, and go hang out there myself!

Monday, July 21, 2008

John Mayer

It seems that every summer in recent years I find something to completely captivate me and keep me entertained. In years past it has been the works of Jane Austen, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter, and Jan Karon's Mitford series (of which I'm reading again this very minute). This summer it is the music of John Mayer. Besides Amy Grant, Mr. Mayer has been the solitary artist that has captured my attention so thoroughly. I grew up listening to Amy, since about 1982, so she has always been close to my heart. But John's sound, lyrics, and top-notch guitar talent keep me listening. Favorites like, "Home Life," "Bigger Than My Body," "Vultures," "Why Georgia," and "Neon" have a great balance of meaningful lyrics and unforgettable music. One of the things that draw me to music is a good lyric. I notice that almost before a good melody line. When a song has both, I'm sucked in, hook, line, and sinker! John Mayer is one of those artists who delivers both. Take a minute and check out his music!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

All Hail the Bean Pot!

This is my mom's pot. She received it and a matching pitcher when she and Daddy got married 37 years ago. The only time we ever saw it is when she made baked beans in it. In the summer, she made them often. Somehow I acquired it and the pitcher along the way. I only use it for beans, and we say, "All Hail the Bean Pot!" every time we get it out. I really don't know why it's special to me, but it is. I guess it's because it was my mom's. I also thought I'd add the baked bean recipe too! I've deviated from it a little, and I'll add my changes at the end.

Baked Beans
From Marlene Jaszkowiak

1 small chopped onion
3/4 c. packed brown sugar
1 c. ketchup
2 tsp. vinegar
2 Tbsp. liquid smoke
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. chili powder
1 2-pound can Pork & Beans (drained)

Mix and simmer for 30-60 minutes or microwave at medium for 20 minutes, until it bubbles.

Michelle's Beans:
Barbeque sauce
Onion powder
Brown sugar
Liquid smoke
2 pound can pork & beans (drained)

I just mix it all until it tastes just right. I don't measure anything (hard to believe, huh?) Then I put in the microwave on high for about 7-9 minutes. YUM!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July

Independence Day is a fun holiday for us. It is a time for family and cookin' out! Every year we grill, make corn on the cob, and have family and friends over. One of the perks of our house is that we live about three-quarters of a mile from the park that the City of Moore holds their annual fireworks show. We can sit in the back yard and watch fireworks! Yippee! We haven't gone anywhere in nine years on the Fourth. It's nice not having to deal with traffic and being able to just walk outside to get a good view. This year we bought sparklers and snap-pops to try out. The girls have never experienced fireworks close up. Lauren was a little scared of them. Her eyes were like saucers when we lit the first sparkler. Anna loved it! Candi didn't like it very much. The snap-pops were fun. We threw them and made lots of noise (and mess). It was lots of fun. The fireworks were awesome! They had some new ones that would explode, stop, and then go in different directions. It was really cool! As you can tell, I'm an ooo-aaahh kind of girl. It was hard to get a good picture of the fireworks, but here are a couple pics from our night:

Monday, June 16, 2008


This weekend was a very special weekend. We went down to Dallas to visit friends and go to the Chicago concert together. It was a blast! We all met in college and have kept up thru email off and on since graduation. We have seen each other rarely in the past few years since children, living in different states, and life happened. I don't even remember the last time all eight of us were together at one time. Now it is not just eight, but seventeen! We all have two kids each, for the exception of one couple who has three. It has really fun to see all the kids together and marvel how life changes. We had a wonderful time visiting and catching up. It is a great thing to have friends that you've known a long time and just pick up where you left off. The saying, "Friends are family you choose for yourself" is completely true!

Monday, June 2, 2008

My Love Affair with the iPod

I am very blessed. My family loves me so much that they showered me with lovely gifts for Mother's Day. The girls each made me something at school that I will treasure for a long time, and my husband bought me an iPod classic, holding LOTS of stuff! I've got 16 full length movies, as well as home movies, pictures, all of my music, my address book, and my calendar on there, and I even have loads of room left on it. I absolutely love it! I found a really cool skin to put on it to protect and decorate it too. A few years ago we bought the first season of the Pretender on DVD and never watched it. Allen put them on the iPod and we both have been hooked on it, so much that we found the rest of the TV series and bought them too, just to watch on the pod. I finished all of them last night after over a week of sneaking an episode here and there. I use it every day. It is really cool to have entertainment in your pocket, ready to go when you want it. It's the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you Allen!

Happy Birthday Lauren!

On Memorial Day we celebrated 5 years of Lauren. It was neat because when she was born it was Memorial Day too, and all of those memories of her birth were a little more vivid. Uncle Stan and Aunt Shannon came over for the afternoon to hang out with us. Lauren wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, and sprinkles, of course! Grandpa Don and Grandma Paulette came over to eat cake and sing with us for Lauren. She loved having her family all around her. We got her a pink chair that she can tote around if she pleases for her birthday, and she loves it. Here she is sitting in it for her birthday picture. Yea Five!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Summer is here!!

This is our first weekend of summer! The girls and I got out of school on Wednesday (me, Thursday) and we have been enjoying our time off. We went and saw the new Indiana Jones movie at the Warren theater (way cool!), slept in, played outside, had family over, slept in (I repeat it because it's important!) and planned our Birthday feast for Lauren. Ali and Joscelyn were here this weekend, and Joscelyn experienced her first bubbles. She was excited! Here they are outside.
We have a few dogs next door, one being a great dane. They can be quite loud when they bark. As Allen said, Anna was expressing her feelings about the next door backyard dwellers...

Have an awesome summer! Go outside! Sleep in!! Read books! Enjoy!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Our Hostas

When Anna was about one and we had been in our house about a year, Allen and I decided to re-landscape our front flower bed. It was huge and unruly! We cut it's size to about half and planted wonderful perennials so we wouldn't have to keep planting every year. We found some beautiful hostas and put them right in front of the girls' window. Over the years we've lost two because the water spicket was right there. One still doesn't grow as well as it could, but the other two are huge! They are absolutely beautiful when they are full grown, and we look forward to watching their progress. Last year we said we should take pictures everyday to see how fast they grow. We remembered this year! So, without further adieu, here is the hosta remix.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Our first attempt at Letterboxing

Well, I said I would give you an update on letterboxing. Saturday afternoon we decided to try our hand at it. We went to Lake Thunderbird for our first excursion. We were doing really good until we couldn't find our first box. We looked and looked in all of the places the clues said, but couldn't find the thing! So we went on to the next box, on the other side of the lake. The road we needed to take was under construction! After that, we realized the last box was in a construction zone too. We were tired and had enough. But we did bring home something--ticks! They were on our clothes and on us. Luckily none were attached, so we were safe, but we did have the heebie-jeebies for a few hours afterward! The girls were quite frightened by having bugs on them.

As for letterboxing, it was a very cool idea and we enjoyed looking for them, but if the rest of the boxes are in that wooded of an area, we might have to re-think this hobby. I don't want to put the girls in danger from bug bites. There is a series in Moore and we'll see how that one is. Kinda disappointing...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Letterboxing, Stamp Edition

Last year, I read about an activity called letterboxing. It is essentially a treasure hike! How it works is you have clues to find a box hidden somewhere, usually around trails and walking areas. In that box, you will find a book and a stamp. Once you find it, you stamp your book with the box's stamp, and stamp the box's book with your stamp. You also put the date so the owner will know when you were there. It sounds like lots of fun, and something the girls will love.

Part of the fun of letterboxing is to make your own personalized stamp. It can be as simple as a letter or as elaborate as you want. Everything I've read about it says that a homemade stamp is the best. So, I went to Michael's eons ago and found the Speedball set complete with tools, a guide, tracing paper, and the pad to carve. It sat forever while winter blew on and procrastinator Michelle didn't touch it. Well, I finally got out the supplies last night and made our stamp:

First I decided on a design. I wanted something that had our name or our initials in it. I tried to find a dog bone, but there was not one I liked. So I used the house. After I printed it, I put it face down on the stamp block, about 1/4 of an inch from the side. I held on to it tight and rubbed the fire out of it! When I was done, the ink had transferred to the stamp block.

Then I began to carve. It took me a minute to figure out how I wanted it to look--just like my print, or the opposite. I wanted it to look just like my pattern, but that was way too difficult! I messed one up figuring this part out. Lucky for me the stamp block was a decent size! I started over again and had a good idea exactly how to do it this time. I decided to just carve out the "L" and the initials and let the rest be colored.

From there I tested it out. Not bad for my first go at it! I went back with my tools and did some trimming and detailing to make it look alright. It was surprisingly easy. I thought it would be much harder than it was. Now we have a stamp to use to go letterboxing! I think we are planning to go next week, and I will tell you all about it!