Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Anna loves her pink basketball!

Since our house has a driveway that is big and flat (not like the Moore house), Anna has been throwing a little basketball up onto the roof over the garage for a goal.  The other day we went to check out how much a goal would be to put up.  We didn't get it right away, but we bought Ann a pink basketball.  She has played with it so much!  Allen decided to surprise her yesterday with a goal.  When he came home they put it together and played.  They had a great time.  Anna loves to play!


Lauren LOVES strawberries.  She always has.  She has eaten a whole carton before for a meal.  Her favorite way to eat them is dunked in a little bit of sugar, but she will eat them any way she can.  She begs for them every time we go to the store. Well, I brought some home today--they were a dollar fifty for a whole container, and they were huge strawberries!!  I couldn't pass it up.  Anyway,  I think since they were so big, they felt like they had a little fuzz on them when you bit in, kinda like a peach.  After her second strawberry, Lauren walks up to me and says, "Mom, what's up with the fuzz on the strawberries? They tickle my lip."  It was very funny.  I don't think she has ever said "what's up with..." before.  To hear her sweet voice was just precious.  We were cracking up.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Read Harry Potter

There's nothing like reading the book before seeing the movie--NOT the other way around!
This is Scholastic's new commercial to introduce new generations to the books.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Break

Yes, it is that glorious week of staying at home, sleeping in, and playing--getting a taste of what summer will be like.  It will soon be upon us!  I realized Friday that it has been a year since Woodward entered our lives.  The girls and I came up over Spring Break last year to check it out and see if Woodward would be a good fit.  After visiting almost everything free to do in town, we decided that it was, and here we are!  How fast it goes.

This year we have had fun.  Monday the girls and I stayed home and tried to clean (a never ending battle), Yesterday and this morning and afternoon we spent in Moore, visiting family and shopping!  Plus, we had a complete girly slumber party at the hotel.  We checked in, got our suits on and swam for an hour and a half.  That was lots of fun.  Then we went back to our room, got our jammies on and piled into a big king-sized bed, watching TV until after midnight.  How fun is that?  Then we got up and shopped.  It was fun, but two things reminded me of home:  Allen, who had to work, we missed him; and there is NEVER that kind of traffic in Woodward!!  I was reminded of one of the reasons why I wanted to move: too much concrete.  For the rest of the week we are staying close to home and hanging out.  Recharging the batteries is a must.

 Happy Spring Break!!