Thursday, September 29, 2011

Measuring Up

Every year when my birthday comes around, I have to admit that I am as excited as I was when I was a kid. Not because I am a year older (we can COMPLETELY forget about that!) but because it's the one time per year when I pamper myself and do something, or maybe even a whole day, of things just for me or what I choose. Last year I played hookie from school in the afternoon (and took the girls too!) and went to the city to get Allen's truck fixed with celebration fun afterward. That little pleasure of not being in school added the special kick to the day. This year, since I am unemployed at the moment, I am going to spend the day doing stuff that I like to do but don't very often. I'm going to get my hair cut (YAY!), do some browsing and a smidge of shopping, and have a lunch date with my favorite guy. Then later spend the evening with my family having fun. I know it is simple, but honestly, I like it that way.

This morning I woke up and thought about my parents and how their lives were when they were my age. I hadn't done this in a while, so I was a little surprised when I did the math. When they were the age I'll be tomorrow, it was 1989. I was a sophomore in high school. Wow! That came about fast! Why is it that our parents seem older to us then they really are? I just sit here and wonder if they felt as young as I do, that there is so much more to do? They had to. They were always busy, worked hard, and lived happy. They have always been the standard that I look to for examples. As another year passes, I think I'm measuring up.

- Posted using BlogPress from Shellie's iPad

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