Friday, June 1, 2012

A Sad Day

It is with heavy heart that I sit down to the computer today.  Yesterday, my sweet Charlie went on from this world.  He was a wonderful dog.  He was docile, quiet and very good natured.  He loved the snow, to lick people, and to play with Hagrid.  He was delightful.  We got him about two weeks before Anna was born.  We saved him through Pets and People.  He was our baby before our babies!  He was such a skiddish thing.  He was apprehensive of lots of things but loved to be with his family.  He started to slow down, as we expected since he was twelve years old.  We just gave him more love and hugs.  This past week he stopped eating the way he normally did, and we tried to help him.  Yesterday morning he came to say hi like he always did, and I loved and hugged on him, like usual.  Then he laid down on the rug like normal.  A little later I heard a whine and he was all the way under the couch and he couldn't get up.  We went to the vet and they ran some tests and realized he had tumors that ruptured in his abdomen.  It was time to say goodbye.  He had a good life and made our lives even better, just with a nuzzle, a lick to the elbow and a tail wag. So long my sweet Bubba!

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