Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Silly Season...Teacher Style

Allen always laughs at me when I call ESY and OAAP time Silly Season.  Secretly I think he's proud that I used the NASCAR term the right way.  Well, it is Silly Season!! Everyone is trying to get everything done for testing, and get summer school paperwork done in time, and get things wrapped up for the year.  All in about ten weeks or so.  I can't believe that the school year is almost over.  I think we have 54 days left.  This is exciting and scary and overwhelming all at the same time.  Exciting because summer is a'comin', scary and overwhelming because I have a ton of things to do in those 54 days. This is what is scary--

ESY, otherwise known as extended school year, or summer school, is the easiest one of the bunch.  I am actually getting that knocked out pretty quick.  Each student that goes needs a meeting to go over if it's imperative or not.

Last of the IEPs and Re-evals are next on the oh-my list.  I've done quite a bit of them this year already, but I have a few left, and those re-evals keep popping up! I think I've done three or four already this year.  These happen annually or every three years.  Normal stuff, but they take time.

OAAPs are the biggie.  This is the Oklahoma Alternative Assessment Program, or portfolio testing. Woohoo!! (not really).  I don't mind spending the time working with my students, in fact, I look forward to it.  They tend to either impress me beyond measure, or I realize I need to change my approach for things.  Last year's OAAPs were impressive.  I was so excited when we got the scores back because they did so well.  I am very proud of my boys.  This year, though, I am afraid of what I will find when I do the last bit of them.  I have been teaching them these skills all year long, but when put in a specific situation with a camera on them, things can go a little bit astray. We'll see how they do.  I've got five of them to do this year.

Other than that, we are on the downward slope.  Hold on tight!

So there is my Silly Season!  Bring it on!! (and don't forget the Dr. Pepper--I'll need it.)  

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