Monday, April 5, 2010

Ol' Candace

Here is my sis, Candi.  I love this picture!  I picked her up for Easter, and, of course, she wanted to bring her hat.  My sister is quite the young lady.  She loves life.  It is rare when she is unhappy and is very funny.  She always cracks me up!  She calls me sweetheart and honey, and she has her own  vocabulary.  Here are some Candi "isms":

It's a box!=any present she gets
Fra=bra (one of my faves--
I fell over the first time she said it!)
--as you can see, food is important!--

Some phrases she always says are:
"Good to see you back"  "Where ya been?" and "It's OK" (this is no in Candace speak)

She is way too cute.  I love her very much.  I am blessed to have her in my life to teach me simplicity, appreciation, and sheer unconditional love.


Tara Cook said...

There is something so innocent and childlike about people with Downs- being around them makes you remember happy times in your own childhood. You can't help but smile! Next time you have her in town, I would love to meet her!!

Shellie said...

I would love to do that! Dinner party at our house!

ChessKing said...

good words shell! & what a "pine" picture of candace! give her my best!
