Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summer is NOT Just a Vacation!

Every year as the school year goes on, I have a list (shocker).  When I run into things that would be great to have in the classroom that requires some time to do, I add it to the list.  It is my summer list!  Then, when I am at home during the summer, I take the time to do all of those things I didn't have time to complete.  This year, the list was on my iPad.  It was four pages long!  I think it was longer because it is a new classroom (to me), and I need more school age things. And--it needs to be cuted up!! So, I've been working on making things to make my classroom run smoother and cuter too.  As I finish things, I will post pics, the how and the why.  Just in case you wanted to know.  I love summer--so I can sleep in, be with my family, and do stuff for the classroom.

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