Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Comment Box

There are many things I would love for my classroom.  Some of them are crazy expensive, some take time, and some are simple and easy.  This one falls under simple and easy.  I found this idea on Pinterest and I knew I needed it!  I have a student that can never stay on the subject, and I hate to tell him he has to wait to tell me or not at all.  Enter the comment box!  Now my students can write notes or draw pictures to my assistants and I without interrupting class, and do it without the rest of the class hearing if they choose.  I will set it up on the counter near my desk with paper and pencils.

unfinished wooden tissue box
acrylic paint and brushes/sponges
paint pens (optional)
Mod Podge sealer (optional)

First, cover your surface.  I couldn't find a wooden tissue box cover, but I did find a box with a hinged lid with a wire mesh inlay.  I took out the wire and it's perfect.  My classroom is done in black with multicolored dots, so that's what I painted it.  I painted the box black then used different size circle templates to make my circles.  I used a pencil to lightly trace them on.  Then I colored them every color of the rainbow.  I wrote "comments" on the lid with a paint pen.  Done!

Once it dried, I looked at it and realized that I probably should seal it, since some of my students have a hard time keeping their fingers clean.  I gave it a quick coat of Mod Podge and we are set to go.  I decided to just paint/glue the lid shut since the opening is wide. I hope this will be effective at school.  If not, it's darn cute!

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