Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Perpetual Calendar

My students are getting in the habit of writing the date on all of their papers.  I have seen the flip calendars with the month, day, and year spiral bound on an easel.  I didn't want that.  I wanted something I could hang on my chalkboard where the big calendar is.  So I made a calendar the way I wanted it.  I made the months one color, the days another, and the years yet another.  Then I laminated, cut them out, and punched holes in them for rings.  It is such a help in the classroom!  Last year I didn't know what to put it on, so I found something on hand--half and curtain rod and fishing line.  I didn't like it, but it worked.  I figured out something even better.  I put it on a hanger!  Then of course, I had to cute it up.  I took off the hook part of the hanger off because I didn't need it, but it would be just as cute with it on.

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