Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Semester Calendar

As you are probably noticing, I have a thing for calendars. Small ones, big ones, flippy ones, I love them all. There are many times when I find myself needing to see a month or two in the past and a month in advance for the same task. Just a quick glance-something that drives me crazy to have to pull out the big planner for. I decided that I would like to have a semester at a glance calendar in my room. And--why not make it awesome? That's what I did.

I just took an extra frame, fabric, and styrofoam from a package that I already had at home to make this. I cut the styrofoam to fit the frame, wrapped it in fabric, and installed it in the frame, using the original backing to hold it all in. I was going to put the months directly on the fabric, but it got lost in the pattern. So I put the calendars on a piece of black scrapbooking paper and it works. The calendar is pinned on with straight pins. It will be easy to change out the calendars or even change the format if I like. Just print and pin.

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