Monday, November 19, 2007

Pumpkin pie in Preschool

Today was our annual pumpkin pie making in my special preschool class. The kids have been looking forward to this day all month. We have a marker on our calendar to show what day we will make pies and eat pies too! I have all the ingredients ready and we mix and talk about all the things we put in. I let the kids smell the spices and pumpkin. Usually they don't like the cloves and ginger, which are my two favorites. The kids are still learning how to take a little sniff of something instead of blowing. In fact, one of my kiddos blew into the ginger a little bit and it flew everywhere! We talk about the colors and count our ingredients and stir. That is their favorite thing to do. We then put the pie in a toaster oven. Our room smells so good (one of the only times it does! ha!) while it cooks. The kids love to smell it baking. They are so excited when we pull it out of the oven, and proud that they made something. Tomorrow will be even better when they get to eat what they made!

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