Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer is Here!

After a quick but long school year (yes, these two things can happen at the same time--it went by fast but felt very long) summer vacation has finally arrived.  The girls were done on Tuesday, but I finally got all of my stuff done by Friday morning, so it still felt like school for the rest of the week.  Now that I'm sitting here on Saturday night, I keep thinking, "OK.  Tomorrow I need to clean and do laundry so we have clothes for the school week..."  WAIT!!  I don't have to do that!  Woohoo!  Days of staying home, playing with the girls, working on the house,swinging on the back porch, getting ready for next year and, the most important of all, sleeping in, have begun.  I love the anticipation of it and the feeling of having to remind myself that I don't have to rush.  I love the slower pace of summer.  It's so good!  I look forward to staying home and being with my family.


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